+91 37762 66705
CBSE Affiliation No.
TC Issued

Admission Procedure

To register your child for entry in Delhi Public School, Numaligarh the Registration Form should be filled up online and necessary payment also can be done through online transfer. You can submit your online Registration form as notified. The cost of the online Registration form is Rs. 1000/-.

Entry to DPS Numaligarh is granted on the basis of a written and a qualifying interview. The written test will be in English, Mathematics, Science, Hindi, Assamese, General Knowledge, Social Science (Class and stream wise subject might differ). Those candidates who are successful and short-listed will be called for an interview with the Principal. A complete report from your child’s present school is required to be presented at the time of interview.

To accept the offer of a place a deposit of the 1st installment of fees is payable. The school Office will supply, on request, details of Fees and a scale for the payment of fees by quarterly installment.

One full term’s notice of the intention, to remove a pupil from the school must be given in writing to the Principal. Otherwise, a term’s fees will be levied in lieu of notice. While the school reserves the right to alter any fees and payments without any specified notice, it is a normal practice to give a month’s notice of such changes.